Junkyard Toolkits: All the Tools You Need, From Zero to Hero

Ah, the junkyard. Acres upon acres of cast-aside steel, aluminum, iron, plastic, and (mostly) rust.

Two generations of SHO engines in their natural environment, the junkyard.

Is your car at least 10 years old and not very special? Well you’re in luck, buddy, because your local Pick ‘N’ Pull, Wrench ‘N’ Go, Stab ‘N’ Grab, Drip ‘N’ Rip, or Steal ‘N’ Peel has exactly what you need to replace that weird piece of interior trim, odd sensor, or complete drivetrain. The only limit to what you can get is how much you can physically yank out of the car and stuff in a wheelbarrow.

Note: Amazon affiliate links provided for your pleasure.

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AWD: A Hot Take

Today I’d like to address a topic that has been weighing very heavily on my heart. No, not the ongoing civil war in Libya and not even the projection that the polar ice caps will be completely melted like…four years ago…but something even heavier. Something that is sure to turn man against wife, brother against brother, Ernie against Bert.

All wheel drive is for suckers.

"It's rear wheel drive, homie."
“Center differential whaaaaaa?”

You don’t need it.

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